Test Anything Protocol

Share your TAP::Parser tips, recipes.

I use TAP::Parser to schedule a bunch of scripts that run tests against a cluster. Here is my code:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Name:          run_all.pl
# Purpose:       A test scheduler and runner

use strict;
use POSIX qw/strftime/;
use TAP::Parser qw/all/;
use TAP::Parser::Aggregator qw/all/;

open my $out_file, ">>", "/usr/lib/cgi-bin/test_cases/test_reports/test_report.txt"
  or die "Cannot open outfile. $!\n";
printf $out_file "\n---\nReport %s\n---\n", strftime("%y%m%d-%H:%M", localtime);

my @files = qw[

my $aggregate = TAP::Parser::Aggregator->new;

foreach my $file (@files) {
  my $parser = TAP::Parser->new( { source => $file } );
  while ( my $result = $parser->next ) {
    printf $out_file "$file results: %s\n", $result->as_string;
  printf $out_file "\nPlanned: %s\nPassed: %s\nFailed: %s\n", 
    $parser->tests_planned, scalar $parser->passed, scalar $parser->failed;

  $aggregate->add($file, $parser);

printf $out_file "\nTotal: %s\nPlanned: %s\nPassed: %s\nFailed: %s\n", 
    $aggregate->total, scalar $aggregate->planned, scalar $aggregate->passed, scalar $aggregate->failed;

close $out_file;

It is pretty straightforward, or at least I hope so. What it does is create an out file which will be the place where the output from TAP shows up. Then I create an array of files to run, these are my tests. As you can see from the suffixes, some are shell code, some are perl - there are even some Expect scripts as well but they are not listed here. Instead the Expect scripts get called directly from the perl or shell scripts. I create a TAP::Parser::Aggregator object which will sum up the statistics for all tests. In the foreach loop I create a new TAP::Parser object to run each test. The results are added to the TAP::Parser::Aggregator object to let me know the totals of all tests that planned, passed and failed.